Last weekend I was asked quite possibly the strangest question I've ever been asked... "Is the watercress local?" The lady in question actually was purchasing a free-range egg mayonnaise and cress sandwich so I was unsure as to where the watercress came into the equation. My response? I had to admit I had no idea where the watercress came from. This did, however get me thinking! I could grow cress. It's easy, I did it with the children when they were little. They wouldn't eat it of course because it was green. I laughed out loud this evening as I walked into Morrisons, immediately in front of the door was a stand of seeds and at eye level was, yes you guessed it, cress. So, slightly tongue in cheek, I have purchased some cress seeds with a view to growing it in weekly sowings and using it in the cafe for the egg mayonnaise sandwiches.

That's the beauty of a garden, always something new to see.