Wow, what a way to start the season. Adrian was predicting cooking two lunches, this turned into 22 lunches. We had our busiest first day ever, and unbelievably, we think we knew 96% of the visitors. So, a big THANK YOU to our lovely customers out there, we were so pleased to see you all.
Pie on a dinner plate! |
New menu seems to be settling in well with Adrian, the first two portions of Farmers Pie were served, one to the Lady from the Big House, and it was deemed a success. It really is a Desperate Dan sized pie although we are assured Paul the gardener could only manage half!
It's 'Weigh & Pay' buffet tomorrow, take a plate and choose exactly what combination of food you want in exactly your preferred portion size. Rebekah will be on hand to help out and explain all. There are hot and cold desserts and for the first time ever, we will be serving soup on a Sunday.
Lunch is available 12.00 noon - 2.30pm with sandwiches, cakes and small plated salads available all day.
Hope to see you soon.
Louise x